EA group members present posters at American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

Environment Analytics Research Group members presented several posters at the 2025 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

Undergraduates Nathan Faulk, Cameron Gilbert, Rebecca Moore and Wayne Johnson presented their grant-related work at the AMS Student Conference.
McKenzie Sevier presented work done during her summer internship at the US Navy Dahlgreen Naval Surface Warfare Center.
Graduate student Warren Lewis presented at the AMS 29th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP).

Tool development for analysis of boundary layer characteristics using LiDAR
poster by Nathan Faulk

Steps towards a simple neural network to improve GFS temperature and dewpoint forecasts
poster by Cameron Gilbert

Observed ambient conditions in winter storm cloud sandwiches
poster by Wayne Johnson

Observed ice crystal characteristics and atmospheric conditions near cloud top in Northeast U.S. winter storms
poster by Rebecca Moore

Evaluation of global reanalysis strengths and weaknesses using surface observations
poster by Warren Lewis

NASA IMPACTS field program winter 2022

During January 2022, group members Matthew Miller, Kevin Burris, Luke Allen, Laura Tomkins, and Sandra Yuter all had key roles in the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field program.
An article about the research flight on 29 Jan 2022 during an east coast blizzard was published in Popular Science.

NASA IMPACTS Winter 2020 field phase begins

During January and February 2020, group members Matthew Miller, Sandra Yuter, Laura Tomkins, Ronak Patel, and Daniel Hueholt will spend time at NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia supporting mission science and forecasting for the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field program. Matthew Miller will also go to Hunter Army Airfield in Georgia to work in mission science support for the NASA ER-2 aircraft. Image: Meteorology majors Daniel Hueholt and Ronak Patel standing in front of the P3 research aircraft at NASA Wallops Island Flight Facility. Both students did winter storm forecasting and P3 aircraft data collection for the NASA IMPACTS field program.