

Atmospheric measurements of the lower atmosphere from eastern North Carolina
poster by Nathan Faulk
presented at the 2024 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26 July 2024

Weather forecast biases by region and climate zone using hourly observations
poster by Cameron Gilbert
presented at the 2024 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26 July 2024

Investigating kilometer-scale atmospheric waves in winter storms
poster by Wayne Johnson
presented at the 2024 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26 July 2024

Influence of winter storm conditions on observed ice crystal characteristics
poster by Rebecca Moore
presented at the 2024 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26 July 2024

Cataloging Snow Band Vertical Structure: Insights from NASA IMPACTS and NEXRAD Data
poster by Jordan Fritz
presented at the 2024 AMS Student Conference, 28 Jan 2024, Baltimore, MD

Numerical Weather Forecast Biases by Region and Climate Zones
poster by Cameron Gilbert
presented at the 2024 AMS Student Conference, 28 Jan 2024, Baltimore, MD

Diagrams of Ice Growth Environments Designed for Educational Use
poster by Daniel Hueholt
presented at the 2024 AMS Annual Conference, 1 Feb 2024, Baltimore, MD

Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave Ducts in Different Geographical Locations
poster by McKenzie Sevier
presented at the 2024 AMS Student Conference, 28 Jan 2024, Baltimore, MD

A Climatology and Characteristics of Midwest Heavy Snowfall Events
poster by Ben Warren and Allison Michaelis, Northern Illinois University
presented at the 2024 AMS Annual Conference, 30 Jan 2024, Baltimore, MD


Properties of updrafts observed in situ during NASA IMPACTS
poster by Luke Allen
presented at the 2023 NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting, 24 October 2023

Different building materials influence on comfort for urban outdoor dining
poster by Jordan Fritz
presented at the 2023 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 27 July 2023

Typical weather forecast errors in Eastern Asia assessed using hourly observations
poster by Cameron Gilbert
presented at the 2023 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 27 July 2023

The power of hourly weather data: Unveiling climate trends for pragmatic decision making
poster by Logan McLaurin
presented at the 2023 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 27 July 2023

Characteristics of electromagnetic wave ducts in different weather conditions
poster by McKenzie Sevier
presented at the 2023 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 27 July 2023

Characteristics of observed surface pressure waves (gravity waves) in the contexts of storm structure and reflectivity features
poster by Luke Allen
presented at the 2023 AMS 20th Conference on Mesoscale Processes Conference, 17-21 July 2023

Evaluating weather forecasts of winter precipitation start start and end times
poster by Jordan Fritz
presented at the 2023 AMS Student Conference, 8 Jan 2023

Characteristics of nearby ice particles in winter storms sampled during NASA IMPACTS
poster by Logan McLaurin
presented at the 2023 AMS Student Conference, 8 Jan 2023

Airborne observations of environments for ice growth and shrinkage in winter and summer storms
poster by Declan Crowe
presented at the 2023 AMS Student Conference, 8 Jan 2023


Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Liquid Water Path Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the Southeast Pacific and Southeast Atlantic (iposter walkthru)
poster by Sandra Yuter
presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 12-16 December 2022

Utilizing observed hourly weather station data to support pragmatic climate adaptation
poster by Logan McLaurin
presented at the 2022 KIETS Climate Leaders Symposium, 10-11 October 2022

IMPACTS in situ observations in the context of previous field studies and model simulations
poster by Luke Allen
presented at the 2022 NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting, 26-28 July 2022

Specialized vertical profiles of winter storms to aid physical interpretation
poster by Kevin Burris
presented at the 2022 NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting, 26-28 July 2022

Analysis of ER-2 data to elucidate how the trajectories of ice particles are modified by horizontal air motions and wind shear
poster by Laura Tomkins
presented at the 2022 NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting, 26-28 July 2022

Examining Differences in Ice Growth Processes for Different Modes of Storm Formation
poster by Declan Crowe
presented at the 2022 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26-27 July 2022

Evaluating weather forecasts of precipitation start and end times
poster by Jordan Fritz
presented at the 2022 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26-27 July 2022

43-year temperature trends based upon observed hourly weather station data
poster by Logan McLaurin
presented at the 2022 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26-27 July 2022

The impacts of different building materials on nearby temperatures during the summer season in Raleigh, North Carolina
poster by McKenzie Peters
presented at the 2022 AMS Student Conference, 22 January 2022


Analysis of 1 Hz, high precision pressure sensor data to identify gravity waves
poster by Luke Allen
presented at the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021

Image muting of mixed precipitation to improve identification of regions of heavy snow from radar data
poster by Laura Tomkins
presented at the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021

Ambient environments for ice mass growth and shrinkage in the context of winter storm structure
poster by Luke Allen
presented at the 2021 NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting, 29 September 2021

Ice growth environments and snow geometries samples during NASA IMPACTS January-February 2020
poster by Toby Peele
presented at the 2021 NASA IMPACTS Science Team Meeting, 29 September 2021


How are gravity waves influencing clouds and precipitation?
poster by Matthew Miller
presented at the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Radiation and Climate, 22 July 2019

Motion characteristics of cloud clearing boundaries in the southeast Atlantic
poster by Lindsay Hochstatter
presented at the 2019 AMS Annual Meeting, 6 Jan 2019

High-resolution observations of velocity waves in Colorado snowstorms
poster by Daniel Hueholt
presented at the 2019 AMS Annual Meeting, 6 Jan 2019
Supplemental materials

Variability of the urban heat island in Raleigh, NC
poster by Ronak Patel
presented at the 2019 AMS Annual Meeting, 6 Jan 2019


Detecting Waves in Doppler Radial Velocity Observations
poster by Matthew A. Miller
presented at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, 10 Dec 2018 [presentation canceled due to weather]
Supplemental materials

Motion characteristics of cloud clearing boundaries in the southeast Atlantic
poster by Lindsay Hochstatter
presented at the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 31 July 2018

High-resolution observations of generating cells in Colorado snowstorms
poster by Daniel Hueholt
presented at the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 31 July 2018

Variability of urban heat islands
poster by Ronak Patel
presented at the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 31 July 2018

Snow band movement and rain occurrence in Northeast U.S. winter storms
poster by Luke Allen
presented at the 2018 AMS Annual Meeting, 7 Jan 2018
Supplemental materials

Characteristics of temperature inversions in wintery mix storms
poster by Daniel Hueholt
presented at the 2018 AMS Annual Meeting, 7 Jan 2018
Supplemental materials

Snowflake mixtures in coastal Northeast United States winter storms
poster by Levi Lovell
presented at the 2018 AMS Annual Meeting, 7 Jan 2018


Band motion and precipitation type tendencies in Northeast U.S. winter storms
poster by Luke Allen
presented at the 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 1 August 2017

Melting layer properties and precipitation in wintery mix storms
poster by Daniel Hueholt
presented at the 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 1 August 2017

Snowflake mixtures in coastal northeast United States winter storms
poster by Levi Lovell
presented at the 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 1 August 2017

Observed Characteristics of Mesoscale Banding in Coastal Northeast U.S. Snow Storms
poster by Nicole Hoban and Sandra Yuter
presented at the 2017 AMS Annual Meeting, 23 January 2017

Environmental Conditions Associated with Different Snow Band Structures within Northeast U.S. Winter Storms
poster by Sara Ganetis
presented at the 2017 AMS Annual Meeting, 23 January 2017

Investigation of Multi-bands in the Comma Head of the 26-27 December 2010 Northeast U.S. Winter Storm
poster by Sara Ganetis
presented at the 2017 AMS Annual Meeting, 23 January 2017

Storm-relative Movements of Mesoscale Snow Bands within coastal Northeast U.S. storms
poster by Laura Tomkins
presented at the 2017 AMS Annual Meeting, 22 January 2017

Evaluating Precipitation Extremes from a Sparse Network: the NOAA U.S. Climate Reference Network
poster by Emma Scott (based on work for Hollings Scholarship Internship)
presented at the 2017 AMS Annual Meeting, 23 January 2017

Vertical Structure and Character of Precipitation in the High Tropical Andes of Bolivia and Southern Peru
Houze Symposium Student Poster Award Winner
poster by Jason Endries
presented at the 2017 AMS Annual Meeting, 24 January 2017


Snowfall within Coastal Storms in the Northeast United States
poster by Levi Lovell
presented at the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2 August 2016
Supplemental movies of storm structure

Convergence of Snow Bands in Northeast U.S. Storms
poster by Laura Tomkins
presented at the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2 August 2016

Determining Snowflake Characteristics and Geometries Using Computer Vision
poster by Edward Chan
presented at the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2 August 2016


Freshly Falling Snow: Identifying New Snowflake Geometries from Photographs
poster by Emma Scott
3rd place winner at AGU Virtual Poster Showcase November 2015
Emma Scott’s discussion of the poster Click to watch movie

Observed Characteristics of Mesoscale Banding in Coastal Northeast Snow Storms
poster by Nicole Hoban and Nicole Corbin
presented at the AMS 16th Conference Oon Mesoscale Processes, 3-6 August 2015

Freshly Falling Snow: Identifying New Snowflake Geometries from Photographs
poster by Emma Scott
presented at the 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, 29 July 2015

Near-surface density currents observed in the stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layer
poster by Matthew Wilbanks, Sandra Yuter, Matthew A. Miller, Simon de Szoeke, Alan Brewer, and Casey Burleyson
presented at the 2015 ASR Science Team Meeting, March 2015, Poster Award Winner

Radar Observations of Storms for Education
poster by Nicole Corbin and Sara Berry
presented at the 2015 AMS Annual Meeting Student Conference, January 2015

Atmospheric Conditions and Processes Associated with Different Degrees of Snowflake Riming
poster by Spencer Rhodes and Jason Endries
presented at the 2015 AMS Annual Meeting Student Conference, January 2015

Regional and Interannual Comparisons of Marine Stratocumulus Characteristics
poster by Matthew Miller
presented at the 2015 AMS Annual Meeting, 20th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, January 2015


Radar Observations of Storms for Education
poster by Megan Amanatides and Sara Berry
presented at the 2014 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, July 30, 2014


A Six-Year Climatology of Precipitation within Major Storms in Northern California
poster by Nicole Corbin
presented at the 2013 Summer undergraduate Research Symposium, July 31, 2013

Understanding the Variability of Low Marine Clouds in Three Oceanic Regions
poster by Jason Endries
presented at the 2013 Summer undergraduate Research Symposium, July 31, 2013

Observations of the joint variability of snow storm vertical structure and near surface snow particles
poster by Spencer Rhodes
presented at the 2013 Summer undergraduate Research Symposium, July 31, 2013

Tornadoes Do Not Have a Weekly Anthropogenic Cycle and Supercells Have Minimal Susceptibility to Aerosol Influence
poster by Matthew Miller
presented at the DOE ASR Science Team Meeting, March 2013


A New Method to Evaluate Cloud Fraction within Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
poster by Casey Burleyson
presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2012

Regional Comparisons of Marine Stratocumulus Precipitation Patterns
poster by Margaret Frey
presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2012

A New Instrument for High-Speed, High Resolution Stereoscopic Photography of Falling Hydrometeors with Simultaneous Measurement of Fall Speed
poster by Tim Garrett, University of Utah
presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2012

A New Instrument for High-Speed, High Resolution Stereoscopic Photography of Falling Hydrometeors with Simultaneous Measurement of Fall Speed
poster by Tim Garrett, University of Utah
presented at the CloudSat Science Team Meeting, June 2012

Regional Comparisons of Marine Stratocumulus Characteristics
poster by Margaret Frey
presented at the MODIS Science Team Meeting, 7-9 May 2012, Silver Spring, MD
Characteristics of Low Cloud Variability over the Azores and Marine Stratocumulus Regions
poster by Margaret Frey
presented at the DOE ASR Science Team Meeting, 12-15 March 2012, Crystal City, VA


The Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Frequency for Atmospheric River Storms in Northern California
poster by Jeff Cunningham
presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, 5 December 2011, San Francisco, CA

Graduate Student Experiences in a Geoscience Teaching and Learning Research Seminar
poster by Casey Burleyson
presented at the 4th National Forum for the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning, 10-11 October 2011, Madison, WI

Observed vertical structure of snowstorms in Steamboat Springs, CO: Orographic enhancement in a high altitude environment
poster by Nate Hardin
presented at the AMS Mesoscale Conference, Los Angeles, CA in August 2011

Spatial Distribution of Precipitation for Winter Storms in Northern California
poster by Cam White
presented at the 10th Annual North Carolina State University Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium in August 2011
Cool-season intermittent precipitation cells in the Pacific Northwest
poster by Andrew Hall
presented at the 2011 AMS Annual Meeting, Weather and Forecasting Conference, 24 Jan 2011, Seattle, WA

Observed vertical structure of snow storms in Steamboat Springs, CO: Orographic enhancement in a high altitude environment
poster by Nate Hardin
presented at the 2011 AMS Annual Meeting, Weather and Forecasting Conference, 24 Jan 2011, Seattle, WA


Observations of the Diurnal Cycle of Marine Stratocumulus During the VOCALS Regional Experiment
poster by Casey Burleyson
presented at the 2010 AGU Fall meeting, 17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, CA

Ship Observations of Southeastern Tropical Pacific Stratocumulus Clouds Along 20 deg S
poster by Simon deSzoeke
presented at the 2010 AGU Fall meeting, 17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, CA

Determination of relative radar calibration for multi-sampled storm volumes
poster by Andrew Hall
presented at the 9th Annual North Carolina State University Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium in August 2010

Quantitative comparisons of 3-D operational radar observations and model output over the Oregon Cascades
poster by Jeff Cunningham
presented at the 14th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, 30 August – 3 September 2010, Lake Tahoe, CA


Near-LES Modeling of Eastern Pacific Stratocumulus Drizzle and Cloud Variability in VOCALS
poster by David Mechem
presented at the 2009 AGU Fall meeting, 14 Dec 2009, San Francisco, CA

Ship observations of stratocumulus and drizzle in VOCALS
poster by Simon deSzoeke
presented at the 2009 AGU Fall meeting, 14 Dec 2009, San Francisco, CA

Rain on small tropical islands
poster by Adam Sobel
presented at the 2009 NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions Science Team meeting, 26-29 Oct 2009, Salt Lake City, UT

Analysis of diurnal trends in stratocumulus drizzle from the VOCALS field campaign
poster by Angel Adamses
presented at 8th Annual North Carolina State University Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium in July 2009

Radar observations in drizzle cell transitions from the VOCALS field campaign
poster by Christina Aldereguia
presented at 8th Annual North Carolina State University Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium in July 2009


Orographic precipitation and kinematic flow structures of winter storms in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
poster by David Stark
presented at 13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology in Whistler, BC, Canada, August 2008

Identifying terrain conducive to enhanced orographic precipitation using wavelet analysis of Pacific Northwest Topography
poster by Clay McGee
presented at 7th Annual North Carolina State University Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium in July 2008

Storm structure, freezing level height, and precipitation in the US Pacific Northwest
poster by Jake Crouch
presented at 5th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology in Helsinki, Finland, June 2008

Atmospheric controls on snowfall density in the southern Appalachian mountains, USA
poster by Baker Perry
presented at Eastern Snow Conference, Fairlee, VT in May 2008

Characteristics of Mixed Precipitation Storms
poster by David Stark
presented at NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium in April 2008

Spurious Precipitation in TMI Retrievals within Marine Stratus
poster by Matthew Miller
presented at the 3rd NASA/JAXA International TRMM Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV in February 2008

Joint Variability of Airborne Passive Microwave and Ground-based Radar Observations Obtained in the TRMM KWAJEX Experiment
poster by Sandra Yuter and David Kingsmill
presented at the 3rd NASA/JAXA International TRMM Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV in February 2008


Observation and Analysis of 19 Winter Storm Events in the North Carolina Mountains
poster by Casey Burleyson and Tai Bryant
presented at NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium in April 2007

Storm Structures and Precipitation Characteristics of Snow Events in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
poster by David Stark and Tai Bryant
presented at NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium in August 2007
presented at AMS Mesoscale Conference, Waterville Valley, NH in August 2007

The Mesoscale Characteristics of Tropical Oceanic Precipitation During Kelvin Waves and Mixed Rossby-Gravity Wave Events
poster by Chris Holder
presented at AMS Mesoscale Conference, Waterville Valley, NH in August 2007

The Collapse of the Ancient Akkadian Empire and Climate Change
poster by Felisha Whitehead
presented at 3rd Annual State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium,
Greensboro, NC in November 2007 for MEA 213 Honors Project

Climate-driven Impacts on the North Carolina Coast
poster by John Boyer
presented at 3rd Annual State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium,
Greensboro, NC in November 2007 for MEA 213 Honors Project

Joint Variability of Airborne Passive Microwave and Ground-based Radar Observations Obtained in the TRMM Kwajalein Experiment
poster by Sandra Yuter and David Kingsmill
presented at 2007 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA in December 2007


Statistical Analysis of Vertical Profiles of Precipitation
poster by Casey Burleyson
presented at NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium in August 2006

The effects of equatorial Kelvin and mixed-Rossby gravity waves on the mesoscale structure of tropical oceanic convection
poster by Chris Holder
presented at 4th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology in September 2006

Microphysical and dynamical structures of winter storms in the U.S. Pacific Northwest: Comparisons between regional mesoscale model output and operational weather radar observations
poster by Jordan Payne
presented at 4th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology in September 2006